Tag Archives: books

The Ten Day “You Challenge” – Day 4

22 Feb

I think someone should have called this the “Worse Than A Root Canal You Challenge” because I’m finding it very hard to stay focused and get this finished. Maybe it’s because I am most used to writing and comfortable talking about my passions: fashion, glamour and makeup. I’m not really comfortable talking about myself, although my husband, Mr. Sassy would probably debate me on this since when we go out with friends, he can’t get a word in edge-wise. I guess it’s the radio talk show host taking over.

So today we are on day four, which is…. let me look…. four books. Oh really? I am a fashion magazine fanatic. I don’t think I have read a book–cover to cover–in years. And you know what? That is pathetic. I should work on that.

Some of the best books I have ever read, though, I read when I was in high school. And elementary school. So here’s my very “childish” list:

Four Books

    1. The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger – This was actually a “banned” book in my high school (NO, I’m not THAT old!) and my English teacher “encouraged” me to buy the book (since it wasn’t even in our school library) and do an extra credit book report on it. The book, and that teacher, literally changed my life. I think if it wasn’t for her and that assignment, I wouldn’t have had the desire to get into writing like I did. Thank you, Mrs. Mueller!

    2. The Pistachio Prescription by Paula Danziger – A typical teen book that I read when I was in 7th grade. I could totally relate to it so much that it just became my Holy Grail. About 10 years ago, I found an older paperback copy of the book in a Salvation Army for 50 cents. The memories came flooding back, I bought it, and it sits next to my bed even now. When life gets a bit overwhelming, I pick it up and read it again.

    3. Inside, Outside, Upside Down by Stan & Jan Berenstain – This was my favorite book as a kid, and my favorite book to read to my kids. The book is fun, simple, easy to understand, and NEVER fails to make me smile. Even now that my kids are older, if I say a line from the book, they will laugh out loud. To me, that’s awesome.

    3. How To Be A Winner by Zig Ziglar – I’m not one of these people who are all woo hoo about motivational and self-help books. But what was nice about this one was I obtained it on audio tape! I remember I would listen to it in my car constantly. I like how it made me feel, I like how it made me think. Out of them all, I would recommend everyone listen to this one at least once.

That was a bit of a challenge. I guess I remember more of the books I read when I was in school than I have since I have gotten out. Most books I pick up now are reference books. Something about fashion, color pallets, makeup application, things like that. I think that’s something I’ll have to change this year. Read more. Whether it be self-help, fiction, non-fiction, motivational…. I think it would be good to put words into my mind, instead of just accumulating them waiting for them to come out on paper. Or in my case… in my blog! Yup, gotta do that. Make it happen, Sassy!