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A New Year of Resolutions….

2 Jan

champagneAbout 15 years ago, I was no different than most other people on New Year’s day. I made a resolution to change something in my life. What was the resolution I made, you ask? It was a resolution to not to make any more resolutions. Ever. Each year I would set out with one or two intentions in mind. Since I was 15 years old, one of those was ALWAYS to quit biting my nails. You can see how well I did with that since I made it every year for 25 years straight. The other ones usually varied between things like change my hair style, make a better choice in boyfriends, walk daily, a more consistent laundry routine, learning new recipes, keep in closer contact with my friends, etc. Things like that. Like always, I would start the year out good then somewhere around March I forgot what my resolutions even were. That’s when I made the decision to just stop making any altogether.

Then, something happened. The year I stopped making my ritual resolution of trying to stop biting my nails, I went cold turkey one summer and stopped on my own. It’s been almost 10 years now and they are long and strong. Sometimes I look at them, all filed and painted and can’t believe they are mine. Some people have PhD’s on their wall. I have ten gorgeous nails on my hands that I probably feel just as proud of. Other than me burping the alphabet at a college drinking party, it truly is one of my greatest accomplishments.

But the question still remains: Did I stop biting my nails because I was just ready and the time was right? Or did I succeed in doing it because the pressure of the resolution was off my mind? Hmmm.

Earlier today, Mr. Sassy asked me what my New Year resolutions were. I informed him that I don’t make them any more. When he asked why, I explained. Plus at this stage of my life, the majority of resolutions that are set by people at the beginning of the year don’t really apply to me. I don’t need to lose weight, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t need to get out of debt and I don’t need to drink less coffee. But my explanation wasn’t good enough for Mr. Sassy. He told me to make at least one resolution for 2009. Oh great, now I have to put real thought into this. What do I really want to change in my life this year? “Under promise–over achieve,” they say. I’m rolling my eyes as I type that. So this year, with my stunning hooker-red manicured success tapping away at my keyboard, this is my list of New Year’s Resolutions for 2009:

  • Try to wake up early each day. .Of course, before10:30am counts as early to me. It’s a start.
  • Read more. . It doesn’t have to be a huge novel by Stephen King or Tom Brokaw. Even a Nancy Drew from my daughter’s bookshelf or a magazine with good stories works. My husband always tells me Playboy has great stories too.
  • Let a professional take care of my hair. . This includes regular coloring, cutting, and waxing. Even though I think I’m really good at it, I have to realize someone else could do better. A lot better. Especially the waxing part.
  • Spend less money on skin care and glamour products for myself.. Just because it has a fancy name or bottle, costs a mint, and smells like the tropics doesn’t mean it’s better than all the rest. I will be open to comparing drug store brands to the higher end and be honest when less (money) is more (productive!)
  • Eat a serving of berries or dark-skinned fruit every day. . They are healthy, taste good and they keep the germies away.
  • Drink more water, . I’m way better than I used to be, but I’m still off. If I treat myself like I treat my plants, I’m going to be dried out and wilted very soon. Oh, so I guess my next resolution should be….
  • Get a pretty new plant and don’t kill it,.
  • Gain 4-7 lbs. . Listen, don’t hate. I need a little more meat on my bones, okay?
  • Spend 30 minutes every afternoon cleaning up my house. . Cleaning up my home is like having a root canal–long, painful and headache inflicting. If I do a little each day, it won’t be so bad. I was told to set a kitchen timer for 30 minutes. That way it won’t seem overwhelming.
  • Learn something new. . I’m leaving this one really wide open so at least I have a shot at making this one happen. It could be anything from learning a new makeup style to designing a new outfit to learning a song on the guitar. Doesn’t matter. Just as long as it is fun and doesn’t get me arrested.
  • Hug my kids whenever possible. . That one will be easy!

Have a great 2009 everyone! I’ll keep you posted on my resolutions… keep me posted on yours!