Tag Archives: tea

New Year…. New Sassy?

31 Dec

untitledIn three days, I will be like the rest of the world, joining together to ring in the new year. I hear so many people say, “Oh, I will be so happy for 2015 to come to end.” I’ll be honest, that kind of makes me sad. Sure, there are things that I wish I didn’t have to go through this past year. We all can say that about one thing or another. But the question becomes simple: If you hadn’t gone through this or that, would you have become someone other than you are now? And would you be happy with that new person? Hmmm. As much as I’d love to hand back a few of the cards I was dealt this year, the fact remains that each of those “cards” changed me in one way or another. Some made me grow, some enlightened me, others were scary, some even caused me great pain. But as I sit here at my desk in The Loft, I realize that all of those things, grouped together, have put me right here. And…. I kind of like that. I am happy. I am well. I am enlightened. I am more informed. Does that make me a new person? Nah. It just makes me more insightful. And that’s not so bad.

As the ball is prepared to drop in Times Square soon, I took some time to look back at the things I did want to do this year but didn’t. They aren’t really all fashion and glamour oriented, but some are. I’m sure as the year moves along, I will think of others. Let’s just say it is kind of a bucket list for 2016. But I have to say, a bucket list covers a really large span of time. I am just thinking of the here and now, no farther than the end of 2016. It kind of makes the goals a little more focused and attainable. So what would I like to do this coming year? These are some definites:

270665_1345_11) Get to NYC to see Fashion Week in the fall.This item is on my REAL bucket list, but I’ll be honest… I’m tired of waiting for the right time. Or more so, I am tired of waiting for it to happen. So, I have decided to just MAKE it happen. As a fashion & glamour writer, I have a lot of friends that I have made in this industry. I am going to do whatever I have to so I can be there. I don’t mean just walk around the streets of Manhattan, hoping to bump into Michael Korrs or Betsey Johnson either. I mean go with a purpose: to watch and write. I will grab the first train out of my hometown, iPad in hand, and sit in the crowd with just like me. People that love fashion, that are interested in new trends. On the inside I will be doing cartwheels, but on the outside I will be smiling and composed, knowing I’ve earned my spot there. And it will be FABULOUS! Sassy may want: a nice, chic briefcase/carry-all to hold her notepad, laptop, iPad, pens, pencils, datebook, etc. like Henri Bendel’s West 57th Briefcase in black, $398.00. Available at Henri Bendel’s website.

VS Pant2) Enjoy nature more. I started doing this a little bit at the end of this year, and found I had been secluded in my own little world too long to not spend time with Mother Nature the way I had when I was a kid. There is too much technology around us to keep us enthralled, allowing us to forget about the beauty right outside of our window. When I wrote my first article from The Loft, all I had was a laptop, a cup of tea, a beautiful view of a park in fall, and an idea. After I took my first walk in the park, I felt so much more of me had pushed back for whatever reason. Maybe it was my health, my J*O*B, my family or my feelings of responsibility to take care of those around me first. Sure, those things are important and always will be. But to lock myself away and not enjoy the sound of a spring rain, the warmth of the summer sun, the beauty in the colors of autumn or the child within during a first snowfall is a crime to myself. I will embrace the outdoors more to give me a clear mind, body and soul. Sassy may want: some comfortable outdoorsy clothes like Victoria’s Secret PINK Gym Pant in Marl Grey, $54.95 and PINK Athletic Crew Tee in White/Black Orchid, $24.95. Available at VictoriasSecret.com

SBS-6534813) Do my own manicures regularly. Okay, I know that sounds silly but it is actually is a big deal for me. For the longest time, when anyone asked me what my biggest accomplishment was in my life, I would say it was when I stopped biting my nails. You have NO IDEA how huge that was for me. I compared it to quitting smoking cigarettes—two packs a day even! It was my vice when I was bored, nervous, thinking, you name it. Then, literally out of the blue one day, I decided to stop. I had a fake set of nails put on and I loved how they looked but at that time in my life, I couldn’t afford to maintain them. Then I realized I was ready. I didn’t have to convince myself I needed to do it to keep myself healthy. There was nothing really that I needed to do it for. Except myself. So I did. I just stopped, cold turkey. Since then I have let my nails grow out, trimming my cuticles and keeping my hands soft. I asked other beauticians what is the best thing I can do to keep them strong. I follow their advice to the letter. Now, my only problem is keeping them looking fresh when I go about my other job. I’m always bumping them into metal furniture, equipment, you name it and I will get a chip on the second day. OR if I find a really good polish that lasts, I will use my nails as a “tool” which wears down the polish on the tips. I know I shouldn’t, but if I need to get a piece of tape off a box, scrape something off the top of the stove or use them to grab a tack or nail, they will surely chip or thin out. The best thing I can do is keep my hands soft, keep my nails strong, and use the best products to keep my polish on the best that I can. And if they do start looking ratty?…. redo them FAST! Sassy might want: ORLY’s Website Nailtrition, $11.29; Nail Lacquer in Gorgeous, $7.69; Glosser Professional Topcoat, $8.79. Available at Sally Beauty’s website.

TJMjeans4) Spend even more wisely. When it comes to my shopping “addiction”, I am better than most when it comes to how much I spend and what I spend it on. I am, however, a terrible impulse shopper and that seems to be where I lose my sense of sanity and just fall into “I need that!” mode. I need to follow the plan that I actually stated several years ago: if you see something you want, take a picture of it then walk away. Use the picture to make sure you don’t have anything like it and see if it will get used often while it is in your glamour ensemble. After you do that, delete the picture. If you go back to the store JUST TO LOOK FOR THAT ONE ITEM, or you keep thinking about it or talking about it for 2-3 days afterwards? It is, in my opinion, an impulse buy. The next thing you have to see is if you can get it cheaper any place else or how do you plan on paying for it. And if paying for it suddenly takes precedence over your electric bill, it’s not worth it. If I really have an urge to go shopping, I try to lean myself towards discount stores, consignment shops, thrift stores, or surplus stores where everything is already less money. Then when I get there, I head to the Sale or Clearance rack FIRST. ALWAYS go to the Clearance rack first. And don’t forget to check online for discount codes or coupons (I LOVE RetailMeNot for store and online shopping). From someone who usually bargain shops to begin with, choosing specific things I NEED rather than random things I want needs to be more of a priority now. Besides…my closet is ready to explode! Sassy might want: a nice day out at my local Marshall’s or TJ Maxx to get something like an inexpensive pair of designer jeans like Celebrity Pink Skinny Shaper Stretch Jeans in blue, $19.99. Available at TJ Maxx’s online store

pBBW1-22175228v275Tea5) Put myself first more often. I don’t want that to sound selfish, but it can happen to any of us. We get caught up in work goings on, helping others with stuff they need, being at our childrens’ beckon call. We help our spouses to make sure they don’t stress because we know that stress trickles downhill. We take on everyone’s pain and responsibilities losing our own happiness in the process. We often do it without thinking, and when we finally realize we need to step back, we can either be in the middle of a fight about it or worse…lose our own happiness completely. Trust me, I know this from personal experience. Don’t let yourself get too far gone. “No” is an easy word to say. It only has two letters. And my theory has always been if someone can’t get over it, let them get under it. Take time for you. Do things YOU want to do to make yourself happy. Do things that will enlighten you, embrace you, help you to grow. Ask yourself: “Does doing this for someone help ME get to where I am going?” Then ask: “Does doing this help THEM get to where they specifically want to go?” If the answer is no, then think twice. You need to be doing things that will keep you sane, grounded, happy, less stressed, and one with yourself. If it doesn’t, maybe saying “I would really like to, but I just can’t right now…thanks for checking with me though.” This takes the hurt off you for saying no and shouldn’t make them angry since you have given them a sincere “I’m sorry but no.” Open your eyes to new things you have wanted to do but didn’t have the chance. Take a class, climb a mountain, run a marathon, read a novel, paint a picture, remodel a room, head to the spa, take a day-cation for just you. That, in no way shape or form, makes you selfish. It will in the end make you a calmer, clearer, relaxed, well-rounded person. And the fact is…. that benefits EVERYONE! Sassy may want: to indulge herself with a relaxing tea a cup of tea in Lemongrass from Adagio found at Adagio Teas. Enjoy that tasty treat while taking a nice, long bath with and a fragrant bath of scents such as Paris – Pink Champagne and Tulips (from $6.25) from Bath & Bodyworks website.

So, I guess the question remains will a new year bring about a new Sassy? I do know there are things I want to do more of, do less of, explore more, stress less, try new things, make new friends, visit more places. Will this all go on with positive outcomes. Some will, some might, some may just go horribly wrong. But the fact remains this: I will learn and grow from everything I put in an effort to accomplish and that won’t make me a new person, but it sure as hell will make me smile.

So, tell Sassy… do you have any changes you would like to make in the new year? Are any of them glamour, beauty or fashion related? Let me know…I want to hear!!


“Letters From The Loft” (?) ……

5 Nov

Im-SorryI feel bad. I really do. I have completely ventured off course in regards to my list of the “30 Days of Beauty”. I don’t even think I got through a third of it. That’s sad. My dilemma now is this: do I finish the list, taking however long it will take me, or do I just write a blurb here and there while mainly focusing on the things that are awesome and hot right now in the industry. Rather than miss an opportunity to show my readers and fans the things that are new, hot, steals or seasonal stuff, I think I will keep my Sassinistas in the loop and just drop a “30 Days” article in once in a while.

WriterNow, let’s talk about my writing for a second. The fact is, I haven’t done much of it lately. And my passion for sharing my love of this industry has been very minimal over the past year. I really don’t know why either. I love to write. I love to try new products and share my experiences with my readers. I love to teach. I love to find great sales and steals and share with all. I love to design and create new looks based on what is new, what is hot, as well as integrate existing fashions into today’s trends. So why haven’t I done just that? Have I been too busy with life? Has my other J.O.B. consumed my every waking second? Have I fallen out of love with fashion and glamour? OH HELL NO!! In fact, I’m seeing it through a different perspective lately. I just haven’t had the time, energy or ambition to… for lack of a better term… focus. And that’s not good. Not good at all. Oh what is a Sassy red head to do?

After a long thought process, I have decided to make a big move in regards to my writing career—I have decided to look into renting some space where I can go, by myself, to focus on my blog and my desire to be BIG in this industry. Carrie Bradshaw had her Manhattan “Loft” in Sex and the City, and it worked for her. Why couldn’t it work for me? I could use that time to either research, test, write or brainstorm about what I want to share with my fans and readers in regards to items that I have discovered or fell in love with. I would need a space where I can spread out endless magazines and circle pages with a big marker of what I think is awesome. I could find things that are fitting for the season, things I discovered, items I have tried and loved, creations or concoctions I have made for my skin, and of course, research things that may or may not–in my opinion–live up to the hype. The time to go and write would be my own. The space would be free from distraction. I would be able to put myself and my writing first without interruption. It would be exactly what I need to refocus on my passion.

LoftA friend of mine recently rented a small apartment in a very historical part of a town not too far from where I live. He asked me if I could watch his place one day while some electrical work was being done by his landlord. He had to be at work and couldn’t take time off to be there so I said yes. To kill time, I decided to fire up my pathetically dusty laptop and try to write. BOY DID I! I began this article and started my next one, more than I have done in months. Even with the maintenance men there, I was able to get stuff edited and photos downloaded. I had a beautiful view out of the old, classic framed windows to inspire me. It overlooks cobblestone streets, gorgeous foliage, with only sounds coming from the bells of the old churches and the occasional car driving by. When I first saw it, all I could think of was Carrie’s apartment. It was almost exactly the same, except for the fact there are no designer shoe stores nearby. C’est la vie. But there is everything else—-which is exactly what my career needs. My friend is only there a few hours a night, and I would only need it a few hours each day. Professionally AND practically, it’s perfect! And for less than the cost of a bottle of Xanax, a daily cappuccino (or three) and a portion of my sanity, I could pay a small amount towards expenses such as electricity, tea and toilet paper and write without bother. All I would need to buy is a desk, a chair and a surge protector. I mentioned it to him and he thinks it’s a great idea. I’m already considering adding a new section to my blog called “Letters from the Loft” where any topic is free reign.
I. Freaking. Love. It.!!

So, without bogging you down with details of obvious necessities that this fashion writer needs for her future work area, I’m going to address things that ANY working woman might find they need in their “space” at work. Of course, these might be a little more glamour oriented, but that’s perfectly okay. It is TOTALLY fine to be a high-profiled woman who has the things she needs to ROCK her job and her look…and that includes me! Here are a few things that I would make sure sit by me at my desk in “The Loft”:

GoopBurtsBeesAlmondHand Cream: Interior environments for us women can be detrimental to our hands. Between shaking them, typing with them, writing with them, washing them, not to mention dry-as-hell interior heating sources, our hands can get parched as a pile of fall leaves. The texture and appearance of a woman’s hands can give her age away faster than any driver’s license can. That’s a true fact. It is especially important to keep them hydrated with a fast-absorbing cream during the day so you don’t leave your work area a greasy mess and an extra emollient cream at night to lock in moisture while you sleep. If at all possible, use a good hand cream with SPF to protect them from sun damage that can come in through work windows, cars, sunroofs as well as sun/wind/snow glare. If you find a hand cream you like that doesn’t have an SPF in it? Just transfer the hand cream to a small jar and add a good, gentle SPF to it. Sassy likes: For day…Supergoop! Handcream at Sephora (A Best of Beauty by Allure award winner). Sephora, $12/1 oz., $34/10 oz. For night…Burt’s Bees Almond Milk Beeswax Hand Cream  (2013 Natural Health Beauty Award Winner). Drug stores, $9.00

eosBlackberryFGGKateLip Balm: I never hide the fact that I have a serious weak spot for ALL lip products. Sometimes when I am not going out in public, I just want a good balm that will moisturize without question. If I think I am going to have to interact with anyone, I prefer something slightly jazzy with a bit of sparkle or a hint of color. It is kind of a pain to keep two things with me, but I’ve carried much heavier things in my purse. Plus, at The Loft, I can leave two without causing clutter. Remember to look for a lip balm/tint that focuses primarily on the condition of your lips and less on the scent or flavor. Sassy likes: For just moisture… eos Visibly Soft Lip Balm Sphere Blackberry Nectar. Drug & retail stores, $3.29; For moisture plus a tint… For Goodness Grape Lip Tint in “Kate”, a natural peachy pink shade loaded with oils and butters to keep your lips pretty and smooth. Forgoodnessgrape.com, $9

SallyHansenTripleRevlonEmeryStrong Nail Necessities: Oh you KNOW this has happened to you! You sliced or chipped a nail while doing something at your job and that one nail file you keep in your drawer is now being used by Tom in accounting to try and fix his picture frame. *shakes head*. I don’t recommend keeping anything spectacular or expensive to mend a nail at work, but you need to carry something. ALWAYS carry something! Get an inexpensive package of nail files and put one in your purse, one in your pen holder, one in your desk, one in a file marked “Hit List”, whatever you need to do. With using scissors, typing, picking off tape, or bumping them into desks, you can be sure your nails will take a beating. Keep them strong with a good protector or top coat and a go-anywhere file in your work space just in case. Sassy likes: Sally Hansen Triple Strong Advanced Gel Nail Fortifier. Walmart, $8.19; Revlon Compact Emery Boards (pack of 24). Walmart, $2.00.


paul_mitchell_express_dry_stay_strongHair Hold: Even if you don’t move all day, your hair will. I am not quite sure how that happens, but it does. Sometime during the course of my day I will grab a quick peek in the mirror. I check to make sure my eye makeup isn’t running down my face, my lips are soft and tinted, my skin isn’t shiny or splotchy, and my hair doesn’t look like frazzled. If I have used the right makeup, I can be pretty sure the first three are fine. But the hair always seems to have a mind of its own. Of course, there are a lot of products that can literally glue my hair into a Barbie & Ken plastic look, but that’s so not me. I am not a big fan of the helmet head look. I’ve tried many products to keep a look without feeling crispy and without falling flat due to weather. There are only a few on my bathroom counter that gives me the hold without feeling sticky. And that’s definitely a good thing. Sassy likes: Paul Mitchell’s Express Dry Stay Strong Hair Spray, $18.99 & Paul Mitchell’s Freeze and Shine Spray, $26.68. Available at select salons through paulmitchell.com

LiveColorfullysephora_atomizerA Touch of Scent: I don’t like to wear a lot of perfume if I am going to be around a lot of people I don’t know. I wish some people would follow the rule that just because YOU can’t smell yourself doesn’t mean others can’t. Sample spritzers of perfume that come free with purchase or a try-size at a place like Sephora can be a life saver if you want a touch of scent to make yourself smile or to add to a application from earlier in the day. I am a BIG BIG BIG fan of the perfume rollerballs. I can carry them with me when I’m out and about as well as have a scent I like without investing a ton of money with the chance I’ll get sick of it or worse, have it “spoil” from age or elements. If you have found a scent you like, I suggest getting a couple of sample sprays from a place like eBay to keep at your desk or in your work. You can also get yourself a small refillable atomizer to carry with you with your favorite scent or maybe get some empty rollers to carry a few. You can change it up depending on your mood or season. Either way, it helps you feel refreshed to add a light burst of your favorite scent when you need a mood or motivation boost! Sassy likes: “Live Colorfully” Rollerball by Kate Spade, $25; Sephora Collection Color Universal Atomizers, $16.00. Both available at Sephora.com

celestial-seasonings-1024x682Good Teas: Not everyone is a coffee person. I like it, don’t get me wrong, but on days I need to stay relaxed, keep my head, focus, and maybe warm up a bit, I am a big fan of different flavor teas. I like loose teas when I have the time and where with all to make them and enjoy them, but that isn’t always possible. If I am in writing mode, I prefer to grab one all ready to go. I had won a contest with Celestial Seasonings a few years back which got me hooked on many of their flavors. It’s still my go-to tea when I need a warm “ahhh” moment from a beverage that is just good for me, inside and out! Sassy likes: Celestial Seasonings “Sugar Plum Spice” — a flavor that is just like the name; “Tension Tamer” that is a combination of peppermint, ginger & lemongrass; and “Honey Vanilla Chamomile” that is sweet and relaxing. The Sleepytime teas are a great relaxer as well, in great flavors like “Decaf Lemon Jasmine” which also helps with a cold at night and “Sleepytime Peach” with its calming, gentle peach flavor. Oh, and don’t forget an awesome mug. It’s a must! Sassy likes: Celestial Seasonings various teas available at select markets and online at celestialseasonings.com, prices vary.

As I think about my work space in the tattoo shop, I can say that many of the items I keep there are pretty much a necessity for my daily existence to maintain the look and feel I want throughout the day. Of course, there might be some of you who need extras and some who might need less. But for me? These items are kind of a “go to” list for when I just want to try and get through the day looking my best. So tell me… did I miss anything? Do you have a must-have item that is with you in your purse or at your desk every day? Let me know what it is! I’d love to see what necessities are must haves for you! Maybe they will even become a must-have for me too!

…and in the meantime? I will keep you posted on my status with the Loft. New endeavors have to begin somewhere. Personally? I think my writing career may have turned over a new leaf right here!

The Kitchen Facial….

28 Jan

If you’ve ever been in a Macy’s, Bloomingdales or Sephora, then I’m sure you can see how someone could easily spend hundreds of dollars trying to keep themselves looking young. Between cleansers, moisturizers, toners, masks, scrubs, firmers, softeners, lifters, tigheners, and everything in between, the world of skin care and glamour is enough to make any consumer crazy… and bankrupt! Are all of those funky ingredients necessary when it comes to keeping you looking your best? Depends. Some people swear by the “’what’s new & what’s hot” mainstream products. Others, like myself, find that the more involved a product is, the more likely my sensitive skin is to flip out from it.

After a nasty breakout from an anti-aging night cream last winter, I researched online what I could use to calm my skin down. I made a homemade mask of specific kitchen products, slathered it all over my blotchy face twice a day, and watched as my skin went from raging red to peaceful pale. This triggered me to look up other natural items and recipes that might help keep my appearance at an even keel. The information I found would change my skin care routine forever.

Since my troubles mainly occur in winter because the cold temperatures, dry indoor heat, biter winds and the nasty snow glare turn my face into a dry flaky mess, this is when I put away my department store cosmetics and start hitting the refrigerator and cabinets for the goodies that help me the most. The recipes?… Simple. The cost?… pennies. The results?… priceless.

Here is my skin care regime from now until further notice:

breakfast1Cleanser/Mask: “Breakfast In A Jar”

½ banana mashed, 1 tbs. heavy cream, ½ aloe leaf pulp, 1 tbs. finely ground oatmeal, 1 tsp. honey.

Not only does this cleanser work great for removing makeup but it also smells great and softens the skin. The bananas and heavy cream are rich in protein and fat which helps moisturize and smooth the skin. Aloe pulp has healing properties and is an anti-inflammatory. The oatmeal has soothing properties to calm any redness or irritation. And the honey? Honey naturally moisturizes, is packed with vitamins and antioxidants, and contains a natural acid which helps the skin’s cell renewal. Once you mix all of the ingredients together, you put the “goop” in a jar or small Tupperware cup and keep it in the refrigerator till ready to use. The bananas will cause the top layer of the cleanser to turn dark after a couple of days, but that doesn’t mean it is spoiled. Scrape it off, and keep using it. I suggest you make a new batch every 7-10 days to keep it fresh. To use: put mixture all over your face, let it sit for a minute or two, Rinse with cool water. Use morning and evening. (FYI—sometimes it is easier to buy a small jar of organic bananas baby food. It’s easier to work with and mixes smoother.)

brown-sugarExfoliate: Brown Sugar

Sugar is a natural and inexpensive way to include alpha-hydroxy acids in your skincare program. Usually to get the benefits of alpha-hydroxy acids, you have to schedule appointments with a dermatologist for various types of peels. By getting sugar into your routine at home, you will experience all of the benefits without the inflated price. Brown sugar is a gentler grain sugar and is not as rough as regular table sugar. To use: once a week in the evening, put a small amount (½ tsp.) of brown sugar in the palm of your hand then add your “Breakfast in a Jar” cleanser to it. Rub together then gently apply to your face in a circular motion. Rinse with cool water.

tea1Toner: Chamomile Tea

A toners main purpose is to remove any last traces of cleanser and makeup. Many cosmetic lines add alcohol to their toners which is a disaster to dry skin. A winter toner should be gentle, refreshing, soothing and still do its job. Chamomile is the perfect herb for that. Take an all-natural decaffeinated chamomile tea bag and let it steep in ½ cup of boiling water for 5 minutes. Remove bag (do not squeeze it out) and discard. Keep cooled tea in the refrigerator and use on a cotton ball after cleansing or whenever a clean face needs a little soothing. Make a new toner once a week.

olive-oilMoisturizer: Olive Oil

Nothing fancy here. Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer because it attracts and holds moisture close to the skin and forms a breathable film to prevent loss of internal moisture. And its anti-oxidants help to prevent dryness and wrinkles. Go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of organic extra virgin olive oil, put some in a little jar or bottle and leave it on your bathroom counter. Apply dots of it all over your face, paying special attention to your cheeks and neck. Avoid the eye area with excess oil, but any you have left on your fingers that isn’t absorbed can be dotted under the eyes. If you are thinking, Don’t worry about your pores clogging. Olive oil is non-comedogenic, and the extra virgin variety is actually very light on the face.

The one thing that I didn’t mention is that no matter how natural you make your skin, you must-use a sunscreen. There are many on the market that are combined with other ingredients that can make your face red and irritated. Products containing PABA or padimate A and O can be a problem to people with dry and sensitive skin. Benzophenones, cinnamates, dibenzoylmethanes, and others are also irritating and can cause an allergic reaction known as contact dermatitis. Although sunscreens known as physical blocking agents can be good for people known to get allergic reactions, they can be very heavy and don’t absorb well into the skin. Products that are titanium dioxide- or micronized zinc oxide-based seem to be the best for people with sensitive skin. A good thing to know is most mineral foundations have these ingredients. If you already use a mineral foundation, you may not have to add an extra step for sun protection. Check your foundation’s ingredients to see the ingredients and how much sun-protection is in them. Another great natural sunscreen is by Burt’s Bees. It’s heavier than some, but don’t need a lot. I find it absorbs quicker than most. I have also found a foundation primer that contains an SPF which I use from time to time. (Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer SPF15 w/Dermaxyl Complex, $36)

Even if you had to purchase everything you would need to pamper your face this season all at once, you probably would still come out spending less than if you were to buy one high-end department store age-fighting moisturizer. Plus you’d still have enough ingredients to whip up about 10+ more batches (at least!). You can see how the savings would quickly add up.

If you aren’t sure if what I’m using would be good for your skin type, or if you’d like to add a couple of ingredients for other specific problems, take a look at these great websites. They give you a list of various ingredients and their benefits as well as some great recipe ideas. Cook yourself up an inexpensive homemade facial and take those savings to splurge on something fun (like a killer purse!)

Homemade Facials—Ingredients and Recipes: http://umibrahim.tripod.com/id26.html

Natural Ingredients for Inexpensive Skin Care: http://www.emzblendzsoap.com/ingredients/ingredients.htm