Tag Archives: writing

Not Fashion, Not Beauty, BUT NECESSARY!!

1 Dec

While in my car today, driving home from my day of fun which others may call “work”, I had a brilliant idea for a blogpost. It may not sound like a big deal, but any thought process after a long day IS a big deal. I was thinking about the things that I need, I have, I love… that don’t really fall under any of the major categories–clothing, fashion, shoes, bags, accessories, makeup, skin care, or beauty products in general. But certain items are a must have for me. Some are things that still shows my style, my love of glam, and my glitter-ific personality. Some may be to help my day go smoother, some help me start calmer. They may not be things that apply to you but you’d be surprised how even a simple thing can let the world know you are casual and outgoing….and all while still being exceptional. An anomaly. A rockstar. A sassy, fierce individual who’s going above & beyond. Of course, glamour ombré lipstick and glitter gel eyeliner will cause heads to turn but how about a few other things to make them look and wonder. Or things that just make your day a little brighter, a little easier, a little more tolerable. Maybe things like:

1. A stunning cell phone case
2. A fragrant candle
3. A pen & pencil you like
4. A perfect manicure
5. A GOOD cup of coffee
6. A great cup to put it in
7. A cool key chain
8. A messy hair-day headband
9. A chic iPad cover
10. An old-school notebook

So, as you think about these random things that you may have never thought about before, I’ll share with you my selections for these somewhat common items that this Sassinista chose to embellish on:

1. Apple iPhone Zebra Shell on silicone case/black & hot pink
Jazzy style, cool design, hot colors. Definitely a case that says, “diva”! Since the major part of my day is on the phone, I am going to want to get some motivation, even if it’s just from the case!
(accessorygeeks.com, $12.99)

2. Better Homes & Garden jar candle in Candied Caramel Pecan
A nice, sweet scented candle that just gives the room a homey feel as you go about your day–at home or at work!
(Walmart, prices vary by store)

3. Pentel Icy Automatic Pencils & Pentel Energel Pearl Deluxe Retractable Gel Pen
They are pink, they are sleek, and they write damn good. Plus pink makes me smile.
(Walmart, prices vary by store)

4. To give yourself a perfect, easy, at home manicure, you need three things:
* A sticky base coat
* A long-lasting nail color
* A long-wearing, fast drying top coat
If you use these three products, you should only need a mani once a week. I suggest getting Orly Bonder Base Coat, OPI Nail Lacquer, and INM Out The Door Top Coat.
(Sally Beauty, prices vary & check for sales)

5. Dunkin Donuts Chocolate Glazed Donut Ground Coffee
If you perk or press your first cup of the day, this is a great flavor to have. Mix in different creamer flavors for some tasty creations.
(Most grocery markets, about $7.99)

6. “That Metal Show” oversized coffee mug
I get that this might not be for everyone, but this cup is my fave! I’m reminded of my love for heavy metal that this great show brings me. Mix in my morning cup of energy, and I can conquer the day!
(shop.VH1.com, $13.95)

7. High Heeled Shoe w/red bottom (Louboutin-looking)
With my love of shoes never a thought away, it only seemed appropriate I put one on my keys. It’s very noticeable & a great conversation piece. Plus it keeps my husband from taking my keys!
(amazon.com, many varieties to choose from)

8. Charming Charlie’s Epic Headbands
I loooooooove Charming Charlie! Such unique pieces when it come to accessories. I really love their headbands since the variety gives me many options to look at and try. Since looking sassy is how I roll, they give me so many choices for just that!
(charmingcharlie.com or a store near you, many sales going on now)

9. INSTEN 360-degree Swivel Leather Case For Apple iPad 2/3/4 (leopard design)
My life is my iPad. It’s my writing savior, it’s my note taker, it’s my main communicator. So, if I’m going to entrust it with my information, it needs to be protected. And this cover is perfect. The good news?… It’s chic, stylish and protects. The bad news?… It was a lot more expensive when I got it! You peeps are getting a great deal!
(walmart.com, $7.99)

10. Pierre Belvedere Letter Size Snap Portfolio in Fuchsia
Yes, people, there is a these here with black and white designs or hot pink and glitter accessories. This is no exception. As I writer, ideas come to at any time, any place, any situation. Don’t think I haven’t been in a one-size-does-not-fit-all doctor sheet writing notes about the epic manicure the nurse just did. Because times like this can happen anywhere, a great portfolio is good to have with me. Plus it holds papers, business cards and necessary writing instruments to keep my writing flowing smooth. The ipad is nice, but the written word is true and dominant to me. I like it.
(amazon.com, $25.50)

So, not every day has to be spent at luxury clothing store, a consignment shop, or at the makeup display of any and every cosmetic counter to look and feel great. Sometimes overlooked things for the busy, business professional female can still make you smile and give off that aura of, “Yeah, I rock!” And they make you smile when you see them or use them yourself. Take your sass-itude to a whole new level without breaking the bank… and add a little pizzazz in the process!

Sassy thingsSassy itemsSassy items

Sassy Gets Her Name In Print…..

18 Jul

imageSince becoming a blogger, product reviewer and general freelance writer, seeing my (or Sassy’s) name on the Internet doesn’t carry the same excitement that it once did. Oh don’t get me wrong… if I get ANYTHING published ANYWHERE, I am proud as punch and I get pretty excited. But when your name (spelled correctly too!) gets in print in a national beauty magazine?…. that’s the freaking BOMB!

…… and that’s exactly what happened to me today.

About three years ago, a big fashion mag wanted to use a letter I had wrote them in an upcoming issue. They even called me to fact check my name and info. I walked around on cloud nine for two months waiting to see this small-town girl’s name in one of THE biggest glam rags of all time! When the issue came out, I read it cover to cover, inch by inch. Nothing. I even called the editor thinking I was reading the wrong issue. Nope. No luck. “Sorry…..we had to edit for space and your piece had to go.” Wow. Tossed aside like a bad piece of lettuce. I was crushed. I was back to being just a reader and not a contributor. It SUCKED! But did I quit? Hellz no! I kept on writing.

Two months ago, I received an email from Allure Magazine regarding a collection of articles I had wrote in my blog about tattoos, their care and a tattoo expo I had recently attended. They liked a reference I had made in a post in relation to an article Allure had just done on moles and beauty marks, and wanted to use my comments in their letters section. I said “Sure!” and gave them the information they needed. Oh, I was thrilled, but I had been let down before so I shielded my enthusiasm in case I got “cut” once again.

Today, the August issue of Allure came in my mailbox and I couldn’t help gasping as I thought maybe–just maybe–this would be my chance to have my name on magazine stands across America. With shaky hands, I began to flip each page. One, after another, after another, after another. When I got to the letters section, my stomach dropped as I saw my name was no where to be found on the page. I looked up and down, left to right, at least a dozen time. *sigh* Screwed over again. Unless… unless…. maybe they carried the letters on to the next page? I held my breath as I turned the page calmly, like a slow-motion action scene from a Bruce Willis movie.

…and there it was. My letter in all its glory with my name and little home town plastered right under it. It was exact, it was quoted perfectly, and everything was spelled right! Me–Sassy!–in black & white on the pages of one of my all-time favorite magazines. I felt like a star! I don’t care who saw (or didn’t see) it…I knew it was there and I knew it was my experience and my writing. I did it!

So, for those of you who aren’t sure if you should stick with what you love to do–or wonder if you should give up on your goal or dream–from the mouth of experience….don’t. You do not have to give up everything to follow your heart, but you must do a little something every day to pursue it. Whatever it is. Cook something, paint something, sing something, build something. WRITE SOMETHING! Keep your dream alive and close to your heart…

And never, ever let it go!!


(If you would like to see my letter, grab the August issue of Allure magazine at your favorite store or newsstand. Or, for you gadget gurus, download this issue from the App Store.)